It is important to notify your healthcare team if your child is having any feeding difficulties, especially if it has been happening for some time. Your child might not be receiving enough nutrition, and this might affect his/her growth and development.
If this is the case, your team of healthcare professionals can help you create a nutritional plan.
It is important to remember that your child’s needs will change over time. Consult with your healthcare team before trying something new or making changes to your child’s diet.
Your healthcare professional may ask you a few questions to learn more about your child’s eating or mealtime behaviour. Possible questions are:
- How long does it take to feed your child?
- How would you describe mealtimes?
- Is your child gaining weight as expected?
- How would you describe your child’s breathing during and after meal times? This includes being short of breath or coughing while eating and drinking.
Depending on the answers, your healthcare professional will guide you to the nutritional solution that will best support your child.